In Matthew 28:18-20 Christ gave His marching orders to the church to go, make disciples of all nations, to baptize them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and to teach them to obey all he had commanded. What then follows, in the book of Acts, is exactly that – the Church going, making disciples, baptizing and teaching. Our hope, in all of our mission activities, from our food pantry here in the Village of Northville to our partnerships and work with missionaries all over the globe, is that disciples would be made and taught to obey Christ in everything to His glory.
Missionary Support:
If you would like to know more about the missionaries we support, please call or email the office for a list. If you’d like to support any of our missionaries, either with a one-time gift or through regular support, please call or email the office at church@bconny.org and we can give you information on how to support them directly. Or, for your convenience, please feel free to use our envelope system to designate a specific amount to support a specific missionary. Please also contact the office if you would like more information about how our envelope system works.
Mission Updates:
If you would like to receive the prayer newsletters from our missionary contacts, please contact us at bconmissions@gmail.com and request to be added to the ECOMM list.
The Bread of Life Food Pantry:
The “Bread of Life Food Pantry” is located at BCON Corner on Main Street. It serves families in Northville and is a community effort supported by volunteers, Northville churches, local businesses and organizations, and donations from the community. The Pantry is open on Wednesday mornings from 10-10:30am.
The “Backpack Program”: We have been able to support up to 30 families through our Backpack Program. Many of these families are from the Edinburg Common and Northville Central School Districts. Families receive donations through a backpack which is sent out on Friday’s giving children meals for the entire weekend and school vacations.
We thank you for your donations and continued support of this wonderful outreach to our community. It is a team effort and we thank you for playing your part on the team. Below is a list of items we hand out most commonly to our families, for your reference. Also, we have added a donation shed which was provided by a grant to the Edinburg Common School, which allows for after- hour donations. It is green and in the rear of BCON Corner.
Financial Donations may also be made payable to “Bread of Life Food Pantry” which has its own account. Donations may be mailed to BCON, PO BOX 223, Northville, NY 12134
Items for Food Pantry:
- Cans of soup
- Jelly
- Peanut butter
- Cereal
- Canned meat
- Pasta
- Sauce
- Boxed mac and cheese
- Canned veggies
- Boxed mashed potatoes
- Canned fruit
- Juices
- Crackers
- Boxed oatmeal
- Hygiene products
- Coffee
- Tea
- Functional non-perishable items